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Change Mexico MUN is an annual United Nacion simulation held between sister schools. In this event, girls take on the roles of delegates representing various countries in a similar environment like the one carried at the UN. The goal is that all delegates debate and defend their assigned county’s global issues.

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As an academic organization that prepares teenagers with christian and human values. Our mission is to empower teenage girls by raising their awareness of global issues and fostering their growth into critical-thinking women, specifically the ones that concern the importance of the primary and basic human rights. We believe that by engaging girls in global affairs, we are helping them grow into compassionate leaders who will make a lasting impact on the world around them.



We aim to inspire young girls to actively engage in global issues, develop critical thinking skills and continually strive for the greater good.Our goal is to empower them, nurturing their potential to become future leaders who can drive positive change in society.

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